Nome: Celestial Dark
Inicio da banda: 1994
Localidade: Quinta Conde (Port.)

A divina escuridão...
Rui - Voz
Carlos - Guitarra
Jorge - Bateria
Paulo - Baixo
Nicola - Teclas





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Inside my Room

When I close my eyes
on the darkness of my room
a tear fals down from my face
smashs in to a dream.
Dream that pertubates
the paradise of tenebrous loneliness,
seducing me on a hipnotic dance
of pain and mistery.
No one undestand the swet slide
of madness inside me...
because they never felt the sufering
of my baricad room.

Night falls, in my room
the despair consumes the walls,
blood drips from the filaments
and fealings create shadows
Voracious tears up souls
on a dark persistence
and were love and feelings
doesn`t pass of a finished dream

Inside my room I cry
seeing the cold night trought the window
that transpires on dark sky`s
fulled of loneliness

Nothing is real, nothing is true
everything it`s farce, a lie
life end`s and dreams finish
and I suffer, why?
My eyes fulled of blood
realise the last tears
to shed on sweat silk
of the mortal lake

Please Room Die, For the last time
that dream you can`t find

Time to sufer in the dark
Time to sufer in the dark

Please Room Die, For the last time
that dream you can`t find

Time to sufer in the dark
Time to sufer in the dark


Rui T.

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