Nome: Celestial Dark
Inicio da banda: 1994
Localidade: Quinta Conde (Port.)

A divina escuridão...
Rui - Voz
Carlos - Guitarra
Jorge - Bateria
Paulo - Baixo
Nicola - Teclas





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Hopeless Mind

Alleviate the pain of the soul when the body is asleep
it can transform the brain to a deep suffering
like worms spouting out from an incurable wound
that drags you to death

It`s been a long time since the body is a sleep
the drowsiness goes down to the heart
buding from the eyes
the silence
the loneliness

It`s been a long time since live became death
and became darkness
spreading on the inconscient
the agony
the pain

oh! lord
help me

when the deep sleep falls upon the body
the soul gets lost forever

locked in a dead body
is the willing to live
confined on a detiny seeing life disappearing.
Watching time flying
without being able to do nothing
limited to wait
that death brings him some pleasure.

Rui T.